On this website you will find links to my articles and blogs, and some information on my background and interests, many of which don't feature in publications. If you would like more information that you can't find here, contact me using the form.
My academic interests are represented on my Exeter University website - I am Emeritus Professor of Leadership at Exeter Business School; and also hold visiting positions at the Renmin University of China (School of Philosophy); Ashridge College, UK; University of Auckland, NZ (The Leadership Institute).
Most of my consulting is conducted through Pelumbra Ltd, a UK-based management consultancy firm. I am also an associate with a number of other consultancies and NGOs, including the International Centre for Humanitarian Affairs (ICHA) in Nairobi, Kenya. I am a founding Director of Coaching Ourselves, dedicated to supporting middle-management.
New Book!

Exploring Leadership
Second Edition
By Richard Bolden, Beverley Hawkins, and Jonathan Gosling
Specifically designed to bring leadership to life, and packed with activities, cases, and opportunities for learners to reflect on their own experiences and exposure to leadership both in and out of the workplace. We examine the most important challenges facing current and future leaders, from individual, organisational, and societal perspectives - including tackling climate change, creating healthy, diverse organizations and communities, and making the most of digital disruption. We wrote it for anyone who wants to understand the leadership dynamics taking place in their own lives - including professional education learners, degree apprentices, MBAs and life-long learners as well as UG and PGTs.

Sustainable Business. A one planet Approach
What is a one planet approach to sustainable business? Why is it important? What are businesses doing to achieve sustainability? What do business leaders need to learn?
Sustainable Business: A One Planet Approach is a textbook for contemporary business. Recognizing the realities of global sustainability challenges, this book covers the knowledge, frameworks and techniques that will underpin emerging solutions to those challenges. Published in association with WWF (The World
Wildlife Fund for Nature) Sustainable Business is an ideal basis for students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level looking to master an understanding of the relationship between sustainability and business. Edited by three influential figures from sustainable business education, and co–authored by several leading academics, this book offers a wealth of insight and interpretation into new ways of doing business that have a positive impact on people, planet and prosperity.
In addition to the many case studies and real–life examples included throughout the book, lecturer slides and recommended web links can be accessed at www.wiley.com/jeanrenaud. Sustainable Businessalso includes a foreword by Yolanda Kakabadse, President of WWF. The Editors are co–founders of the One Planet MBA at Exeter University, UK and Directors of OPEN for Business (One Planet Education Network).
Aesthetics of Power- Coaching Ourselves
Mindsets for Managers- Henry Mintzberg and Jonathan Gosling

Sustainable Champions
Strong competitive pressure and a dynamic market mean multinational companies in China must innovate with extraordinary pace. Environmental sustainability is a key driver for the best companies. This book shows how major household names have transformed their practices, and the impact this is having on business in China and beyond.
Shows how to innovate for sustainability and keep pace in a globalized setting
Lessons from leading multinationals including Sony, HP, TetraPak and Nestlé
Essential for anyone doing business in one of the worlds fastest-growing economies